Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Error messages the 2012 list
Error messages the 2012 list
Another year, another wave of absurd error messages. I was thinking I had seen everything. I sit down corrected. Slowly, my phone is taking over. Lets see when it fully replaces the desktop
5) Resuming . The Nokia Drive is the best application I learned about during 2012. It is great to get a free GPS with your phone, which can be used even offline. Now, having such lame error message when the application for some reason is resuming, which doesnt even give you how much progress has been done and how long it will take to finish is simply unacceptable (Ive forgot about the application once and 30 minutes later is was still resuming).
4) This version of the Kindle application has expired and can no longer be used. Please update to a newer version. Because all you want when sitting down at the airplane ready for a long leg is to uncover that you need a Kindle software update. Bookstores at airports: please stay open!
3) Error: The specified module could not be found. LoadLibrary(pythondll) failed. Dropbox introduces you to world of dynamically loading libraries.
2) Adobe Reader Updater. Update failed. An error occurred. Please check for updates again later. Error: 111200. At least I didnt face the 111199 previous errors.
1) :-(. The sad face, a.k.a. frowning face, makes Nokia Lumia 920 come on top with most pathetic error message of 2012. Who wants to pick up the prize?!
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